Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Paprikash - sounds weird, tastes WONDERFUL

Paprikash means spicy gravy. It is AWESOME. I remember the scene from "When Harry met Sally". They were walking together. Harry says "Pleasshh to repeat after me...paaaaprrikaaasschhh......she tries over and over to say Parpikash. I always wondered about that dish and finally made it. YUM.

So, you can buy the packs of the whole chicken cut up, bone in. Season with sea salt, paprika, fresh ground pepper, onion and garlic powder. Mix up with some vegetable oil, cover and let sit in fridge overnight, I have to say, I hate waiting overnight for anything. Anyway, spread cut up onion on pan, place the chicken on top and bake at 350 degrees (uncovered) for 45 minutes.

While the chicken is baking, mix the dumplings. These are a pain in the ass. HOWEVER, they are well worth it. Take a regular box of (GASP) instant mashed potatoes - no flavors, just the flakes of instant mashed potatoes. Not a purist method, HOWEVER - regular potatoes do NOT have a good consistency. OK, SO - the whole box (not the jumbo box - not the small - medium - GOTTA LOVE my measurments, huh?) of instant flakes, half a pound (two sticks) margarine, 2-3 cups hot milk, one 8 oz. container of sour cream, 4 egss, 1/2 tsp salt. Mix. When all incorporated, pour a generous amount of flour out on counter, add contents and knead together until you have a dough. Cut off pieces, roll out long strands, cut into 1/2 inch lengths, roll till you get what looks like the size/thickness of a piece of (solid) ziti. When all of the pieces are rolled, boil water, salt and add dumplings. Once they float, REMOVE right away and put them into a baking pan. Melt sweet (unsalted) butter (pound) add a standard container of (unflavored) bread crumbs together, spread that over the top of the dumplings and bake at 300 degrees until golden brown.

The sauce is made with 1/2 pound of lard in large pot.

HERE IS WHERE I DIGRESS....so, I go into Price Chopper and look for lard. Up and down the aisles, dairy, bakery mixes, oils, etc. NO LARD. I ask one of the clerks where I might find the "albino buffalo" as it were...she looks at me and says "LARD?!?! Do you KNOW how BAD that is for you?????" Um, yes, fitness police, I realize that. But a recipe with lard is NOT the same if made with vegetable shortening....ass. Two stores later, I find the elusive lard. All by itself, like a child in a dunce cap. Sad, really.

Again, continuing with the sauce: After you add the LARD, add sauteed onion (two medium) and 2 sauteed green pepper and one small can of tomato paste. Let that mix together. 3 heaping tablespoons of paprika (spanish) 4 cups water, disolved chicken and beef boulion cubes (two of each - just dissolved enough to make a paste, 4 cloves crushed garlic (I used 6 - they were small), 2 bay leaves, 2 tablespoons marjoram and 2 tablespoons crushed red pepper. 16 oz sour cream. Let stew on low heat for about 1/2 hour -you can add a bit more water if needed. Mix milk and flour (wondra for sauces is GREAT) with salt and pepper to thicken the sauce. Strain the sauce, return to pot and add chicken from oven. Let sit and simmer for about 1/2 hour to an hour on low heat.

Remove golden brown dumplings, put on plate, put chicken over top and add a LOT of sauce. This stuff is wunderbah! And, NO ONE will complain about the Lard! Enjoy!