Friday, July 23, 2010

...and why isn't my butt smaller?

The term, working your ass off is a lie. Currently, I am working two jobs. One as sedentary...OH, I mean SECRETARY...and the other catering for someone else. Mostly, the first job is self-explanatory. I do a LOT of work, don't get me wrong, but all from a butt planted firmly in chair. The other, I do NOT sit down. Example, today I will drive south (one hour) meet client at 11am for party tomorrow. We will discuss setup, service times, bartending, etc. The menu is all set. Then, I drive to pick up food for today's event (drive one hour) get all the necessary equipment, drive yet another hour north, for the party at 1pm, starting at 2pm, ending at 9pm....take down, clean up, drive equipment back to facility, wash any dishes, back home. I'm assuming by 11ish. In between is cooking, serving, possibly bartending and always cleaning. Wake up tomorrow, head out by 9:30, drive hour to get equipment/food, bring to party, ending at 6pm, again, clean, take down, wash, drive home. I will gain weight. DO NOT ASK me how this happens. I do not eat while at work (this is a no-no) and I certainly don't drink...that would make me the Shit-faced caterer...not attractive. AND, I am representing someone else, they might be a bit peeved if they got a phone call saying "one of the ladies is doing shots with my son"...right? SO, to review...I want to know how people like my brothers can inhale my plate full of Italian chicken and Risotto RIGHT before going to sleep and LOSE weight, while I can go two days without food in 100degree heat and gain? Anyone?

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